The RG aims to develop knowledge that contributes to the diagnosis, conceptualization and transformation of processes of curriculum development, of learning and development of students, and of the development of teachers and other educational professionals.

Two main intersecting lines of inquiry are defined, in accordance with Education XXI and Change Forces UIDEF themes: (1) Inclusion and equity in school; and (2) Teacher training and supervision. Pedagogy of higher education and teacher education for inclusion emerge as transversal challenges.

Several projects are now in progress related to those lines, focusing on school inclusion , digital inclusion, social inclusion and intercultural education, inclusion in higher education and learning and training of teachers with technologies.


Mariana Gaio Alves


Ana Luísa Paz

Ana Paula Caetano

Ana Pedro

Ana Sofia Pinho

Ana Sofia Santos (FMH)

Carolina Carvalho

Cassio Santos

Guilhermina Lobato Miranda

Joana Viana

João Piedade

Jorge Ramos do Ó

Luís Tinoca

Marco Ferreira (FMH)

Maria João Mogarro

Mariana Gaio Alves (Coordenadora)

Neuza Pedro

Nikoletta Agonács

Nuno Dorotea

Otília Sousa

Sofia Freire

Tatiana Sanches

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

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