Adult Education

This course is geared to the study of the articulation between Education, Training and Work, as regards youth and adults, and aims to provide theoretical and methodological tools allowing them to develop research projects that fall within the areas of public policies and youth and adults’ education and training; professional training policies and practices in companies; dynamics of articulation between education, training and work: employment and integration into employment; experiential learning: recognition, validation and certification; popular education and social emancipation; reorganization of the professional field of education and reconfiguration of the adult trainer’s work.

Educational Evaluation

The main goal of this programme is to provide a solid education in the field of knowledge of Evaluation. It is organised into two applied areas: Evaluation of Learning and Evaluation of Projects and Programmes. Thus, this course is geared towards candidates acquiring and/or consolidating knowledge and capacities that allow them to design and develop research projects in fields of, amongst others, internal and external evaluation of learning; of the relations between internal and external evaluation of learning; evaluation of projects and programmes and educational policies.

Educational Policy and Administration

The main objective of the course is the articulation between knowledge and public action. This takes place through two main analytical dimensions: the regulation of public action; the production and circulation of knowledge and its interaction with public action. It is oriented towards the study of educational policies in Portugal, based on a theoretical and methodological matrix which favours addressing policies as “public action” and is not focused exclusively on the intervention of the State and its administration. Instead, it takes into account the diversity of scenes and actors involved in the policy process, at different levels, as well as their multiple interdependences.

History of Education

This programme  aims to expand and further historical and pedagogical knowledge about the Portuguese, European and world educational thought and realities. More specifically, it allows writing about educational evolution; preserving the educational, cultural and school memory and patrimony; valuing historical education in current society; contributing to interdisciplinarity in educational understanding and development; deepening humanistic and civic awareness.

Information and Communication Technology in Education

This programme aims to provide educators, teachers, teacher trainers and other educational practitioners advanced education of a pedagogical nature in the educational use of ICT. Research constitutes a strategic axis in the activities to be carried out in the course, with a view to developing in students the capacity to carry out research autonomously, deepen themes of the area and promote a critical reflection about the interfaces between ICT, education and society.

Mathematics Education

This Programme’s aim is to provide in-depth education in Mathematics Education, including preparation to carry out research and develop curriculum development and intervention projects in this regard. It offers an up-to-date and critical perspective of Mathematics Education, and promotes the contact with the research community in this field.

Psychology of Education

The general objective of this course is to provide in-depth education in Psychology of Education, including preparation to carry out studies and projects, framed within the following research lines: human development in a variety of educational contexts; learning in educational contexts; activation of personal fulfilment, where motivation, self-concept, creativity and special education needs are topics under consideration

Science Education

This Programme’s aim is to provide in-depth education in Science Education, including preparation to carry out research. It offers an up-to-date and critical perspective of Science Education and contact with the research community in this field.

Teacher Education and Supervision

This programme concerns the general theme “Teacher Education and Pedagogic Training of Trainers – Concepts and Practices” and it aims to respond to the aspirations of a considerable number of people who already have a Master’s degree and very rightly wish to further their scientific knowledge in the fields of teacher education and educators, and develop research skills towards the fulfillment of a doctoral project.

Supervision and Mentoring for Professional Practice

This programme aims to provide advanced education in theoretical and empirical knowledge regarding supervision, orientation, and follow-up of professional practice, as continuous processes of development and experiential learning based on work inserted in the social context of various professions, and enable students to design and develop research and innovation projects in the field of teacher and training of trainers.

Teacher Education. Theme: Special Education

This programme is a specialized education offer in the field of Teacher Education in Special Education, geared towards education professionals intending to further their knowledge about the education of children and youth with Special Educational Needsand about teacher education in this area.

Curriculum Theory and Development

O objetivo central do curso é desenvolver e aprofundar instrumentos de análise que permitam alargar as fronteiras do conhecimento educacional no que se refere tanto à fundamentação, teorização e justificação, quanto à elaboração, planeamento, operacionalização e avaliação em matéria de currículo, de decisão didática e de inovação pedagógica. Está orientado para a análise do fenómeno educativo, tendo por base uma matriz teórica e metodológica que privilegia a abordagem das questões do conhecimento, dos atores e das situações educativas.

Useful Information
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ’S – Doctoral Programme
Useful Information
International Student
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ’S – Doctoral Programme


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