Grupo de Investigação


Áreas de interesse

Educação em Ciência. Aprendizagem das ciências em contextos formal e informal. Ecologia Marinha.

Projetos de investigação

Seleção de publicações

Faria, C.; Chagas, I. & Galvão, C. (2022). Lesson-study on health education with pre-service biology teachers. Journal of Education for Teaching, 48(2): 214-227.

Galvão, C., Faria, C., Viegas, W., Branco, A., Goulão, L. (2020). Inquiry in higher education. Crossing disciplinary Knowledge boundaries. Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 22(1), 1-17.

Faria, C.; Guilherme, E.; Pintassilgo, J.; Morgado, M.J.; Pinho, A.S.; Baptista, M.; Chagas, I. & Galvão, C. (2019). The Portuguese Maritime Discoveries: the exploration of the history of a city with an App as an educational resource. Digital Education Review, 36, 85-99.

Valente; B.; Maurício, P.; Faria, C. (2018). Understanding the process and conditions that improve pre-service teachers´ conceptions of nature of science in real contexts. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 29(7): 620-643.

Galvão, C., Faria, C., Freire, S. & Baptista, M. (2017). Curriculum conception, implementation and evaluation: an experience. In B. Akpan (ed.), Science Education: A Global Perspective (pp. 228-252). Springer.

Faria, C., Boaventura, D., Gaspar, R., Guilherme, E., Freire, S., Chagas, I., & Galvão, C. (2015). Era uma vez o mar…O mar como recurso educativo para o 1º ciclo: O contributo do projeto iLit

Faria, C., Freire, S., Baptista. M., & Galvão, C. (2014). The construction of a reasoned explanation of a health phenomenon: an analysis of competencies mobilized. International Journal of Science Education, 36(9), 1476-1490.

Freire, S., Faria, C., Galvão, C., & Reis, P. (2013). New Curricular Material for Science Classes: How Do Students Evaluate It?. Research in Science Education, 43(1), 163-178.

Faria, C., & Chagas, I. (2013). Investigating school guided-visits to an Aquarium: what role for science teachers? International Journal of Science Education. Part B: Communication and Public Engagement, 3(2), 159-174,

Faria, C., Pereira, G., & Chagas, I. (2012). D Carlos de Bragança, a pioneer of experimental marine oceanography: filling the gap between formal and informal science education. Science and Education, 21(6), 813-826.